Monday, 13 April 2015

Intentions for the Evaluation

The Evaluation for my A2 Media Course will require me to answer 4 Key questions covering 4 Key Areas:
1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?
4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
It is therefore important that I breakdown the key concepts I must address in these questions and the possible topics that I will be covering:
1. Forms, Codes and Conventions of Existing Products
  • It should be important that I make key analysis between existing videos in the genre and pick out the similarities between them and my piece
  • I must address where I have challenged the general conventions of these products for my own benefit and explain why I have chosen to do so.
  • I can make mention of where I have chosen to use a creative idea and work it into the piece
  • For this piece I would definitely like to consider using footage from my piece, placing it side by side with existing products, which would include a video analysis of similar moments and a highlight of where I deviated from the norm, and a side by side analysis of my print products.
2. Effective combination of the Main Piece and my Print Products
  • For this section I would mostly be focusing on still images of my film and my print products, so Prezi Presentation software would be an ideal choice to use. I can also easily fit in sound files into the slides if need be to verbally illustrate a point if I need to
  • I should make mention of Synergy and Explain how it can be seen to be present in these pieces I.e. Make mention about the glass theme both on the CD, Poster and the song lyrics.
  • I should explain how the use of synergy would help to market the CD better as a result
3. Audience Feedback
  •  Use feedback from piece to create a podcast. This will include me personally addressing certain comments and giving my own feedback.
  • I will discuss how I used these comments to edit my pieces to better understand my target audience.
4. Media Technology
  • Make mention of the tools I used to construct my piece. This include, cameras, software and the various tools of the internet. e.g Survey monkey and various editing tutorials
  • I would like to present this as a video in the spirit of the topic.

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