Monday, 15 December 2014

Production Schedule Revised

Our Deadlines have recently been revised to allow us to reshoot and edit certain parts of our videos in order for us to create some stronger material. Because of this I will produce a Production Schedule to outline the time frame i'm now working in.
- Monday 5th January * Print Product Plans

This is essentially the

- Friday 13th February *Music Video

- March 20th Final Prints *Final Prints

- April 12th *Evaluation

Noteworthy Tutorial for Shooting in Low-Light

This Video Tutorial has been quite useful to me for what to do when shooting in low light conditions as a particular section of my piece features (Incinerator Scene). I will summarise it after:

Low Light: DSLR Filmmaking Tutorial from Moritz Janisch on Vimeo.

To Summarise on some key tips to take note of:

- The Film Speed (ISO) should never exceed 1600, If it does the image will naturally pick up visual noise.

- The Shutter Speed on the Camera will likely be more effective in low lighting at a speed of 1/30s to 1/50s, because of where I currently am I am not sure whether or not I can make advanced changes to my camera right now but a test of these settings will follow very soon

The Aperture on the lens is highly effective in low light when set between F/1.2 and F/5.6

- Make sure that there is no auto contrast settings turned on as they can dramatically reduce effectivenes of the other tips.

I think this guide could potentially help my piece greatly by clearing up any noise and thereby making the piece look more professional and less amatuer.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Front Cover of the Album

After looking at the other Album covers in my previous post I have produced the image that will be found on the front cover
The Fractured Glass on the front of the piece is used to match the title of the album in that it is designed to look broken similar to glass, I will be tweaking this a little bit more to get the result that I want but this will generally contain a fair portion of what the final version of the front cover will look like.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Narrative Idea Development

In terms of my ideas about the narrative, I have taken strong inspiration from Nickelback's Savin Me, the theme and the story in that piece is really quite interesting, coming to terms with something like a curse is interesting and I believe I could use a common theme of something like alcoholism or depression to really ground in the point about my characters weakness in the face of an implied emotional breach. My intention is that this will create a powerful story that will keep the audience engaged and interested.

Digipack Font Decision

An important part of my digi-pack will be in its presentation, one such factor will be the actual font used on the front. To understand which font styles are more well associated with the Rock and Alt-Rock genre I have picked out some key examples to try to formulate a font choice of my own.

A bold and powerful font with 2 different sizes used, the larger text is used as a strong underline to the first line

The First band I'm using is '30 Seconds to Mars', Their band font seen here is bold and powerful, while it may appear bland its can also be seen as minimalistic. I particularly like the use of the larger text as an underline

Impressively complex font, slightly worn out lettering with 2 different font styles as well as some small illustrations.
The font for 'Good Charlotte' seen here is made up of two different lettering styles, the first and most prominent is quite exquisite with a sharp edge and smooth curve placed in contrast to its slightly worn out edging, it gives it a timely and worn look which gives the impression that the music ponders in rough topics, not entirely dark but rough at least. The second section of the lettering is a dramatic contrast as it appears much more boundy and light, especially given the bright colouring, It gives the interpretation that the tone can also at times be fun or at least cheerful/sassy.

Very Bold and sharp lettering with intersecting sections.
The 'Linkin Park' font is quite sharp and bold, it really gives it a punchy and powerful look with the implication that the tone and music style will include a level of harsh rythyms and a rougher tone. Its similar to the first half of the lettering on the 'Good Charlotte' piece which is interesting.

Very worn out lettering with a mildly visible underline spelling the album name.
The lettering for 'Nickelback' is similar to the 'Linkin Park' piece and the 'Good Charlotte' Piece in the sharp use of black and white, I am particularly fond of this colour scheme and the worn out effect in addition to the sharp and bold lining on the 'Linkin Park' piece and wish to incorporate the three somehow.

In conclusion, to get across the edgy tones of my piece in addition to having a bold and highly visible album, I will be trying to formulate a mixture of the last three pieces as they have peaked my interest the most.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Change in target audience

There has been a dramatic change in my target audience but I feel that I should address this. Essentially the biggest concern that I have is that since the War theme has been omitted entirely, the niche anti-war message has changed into a more mainstream and widely experienced story about depression and the struggles of life after love.

Essentially what this means is that this piece will now need to be marketed to a wider audience, From personal experience I would assume that this style of music when applied to the concept of love would appeal to a younger audience of approximately 15-21.

At this age the youth will constantly be pursuing relationships that are new in concept to them, because of this there is a stronger level of emotion and confusion when things go wrong, as younger individuals they arent as mature with dealing with these breakups and that sadness is something that connects the viewers to my main character in my piece, in the song itself the connotations of being broken and weak are also possible feelings that teens could be feeling when experiencing these feelings.