Monday 1 December 2014

Change in target audience

There has been a dramatic change in my target audience but I feel that I should address this. Essentially the biggest concern that I have is that since the War theme has been omitted entirely, the niche anti-war message has changed into a more mainstream and widely experienced story about depression and the struggles of life after love.

Essentially what this means is that this piece will now need to be marketed to a wider audience, From personal experience I would assume that this style of music when applied to the concept of love would appeal to a younger audience of approximately 15-21.

At this age the youth will constantly be pursuing relationships that are new in concept to them, because of this there is a stronger level of emotion and confusion when things go wrong, as younger individuals they arent as mature with dealing with these breakups and that sadness is something that connects the viewers to my main character in my piece, in the song itself the connotations of being broken and weak are also possible feelings that teens could be feeling when experiencing these feelings.

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