Monday 15 December 2014

Noteworthy Tutorial for Shooting in Low-Light

This Video Tutorial has been quite useful to me for what to do when shooting in low light conditions as a particular section of my piece features (Incinerator Scene). I will summarise it after:

Low Light: DSLR Filmmaking Tutorial from Moritz Janisch on Vimeo.

To Summarise on some key tips to take note of:

- The Film Speed (ISO) should never exceed 1600, If it does the image will naturally pick up visual noise.

- The Shutter Speed on the Camera will likely be more effective in low lighting at a speed of 1/30s to 1/50s, because of where I currently am I am not sure whether or not I can make advanced changes to my camera right now but a test of these settings will follow very soon

The Aperture on the lens is highly effective in low light when set between F/1.2 and F/5.6

- Make sure that there is no auto contrast settings turned on as they can dramatically reduce effectivenes of the other tips.

I think this guide could potentially help my piece greatly by clearing up any noise and thereby making the piece look more professional and less amatuer.

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