Monday 15 December 2014

Production Schedule Revised

Our Deadlines have recently been revised to allow us to reshoot and edit certain parts of our videos in order for us to create some stronger material. Because of this I will produce a Production Schedule to outline the time frame i'm now working in.
- Monday 5th January * Print Product Plans

This is essentially the

- Friday 13th February *Music Video

- March 20th Final Prints *Final Prints

- April 12th *Evaluation

1 comment:

  1. Hi, David

    It's deeply worrying that you've not updated your blog since December - you should have at least 20 posts since the start of 2015, including progress reports on your video and your advert. Considering that the submission deadline for the video is Friday but I've yet to see a frame, I am very concerned. As mentioned in the lesson, your priority over the next couple of weeks is to get your video towards a finalized state, to upload the finalized designs for your digipak and to include the design work for that and your advert. Your cut-off for these is mid-March, so you really need to focus on getting these completed ASAP. You should aim to have a good 20-30 posts on your blog by the end of the half-term, at least one of which will be your final video and several others focusing on the production/ editing process.
