Thursday 19 June 2014

Software of Choice

For my piece this year I will mainly be using 3 different programs to construct the different areas of my piece...
 1. Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

Premiere Pro has been a dependable program which is easy to use and has all the utilities and canned tools I need in order to edit my piece together, I am fairly well experienced in its use and can confidently create what I need.

2. Adobe After Effects CS6

Adobe After Effects is something that I have personally used in the past to make small changes and effects to scenes in order to better suit the theme to my desired choice, this includes advanced colour correction, Tracking of focus and overlayed effects. I am sure that at some point it will prove useful
3. Adobe Photoshop CS6
Photoshop will be used in the 'Digipack' section of the piece, I will be using its features to construct an album cover and an album sleeve. The program can be a bit finnicky but I think that I have had enough experience with it to properly utilise it.

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