Monday 22 September 2014

Brand Identity - Nickelback

To start of this research task, I would like to first clarify exactly what Brand Identity is, It is essentially the way in which a company is designed through its visible elements to be distinguishable among any other brand on the market.
In the sense of Brand Identity this is still the same as Music is still at the end of the day a product to be purchased. Nickelback has gone through something of a brand shift over time since their formation in 1995, having gone on to be one of the most commercially successful bands of the decade having sold 50 Million albums worldwide.
Chad Kroeger Band Leader
In terms of how the band Logos and CD covers were concerned, the early work done by the band was usually shown in CD's where the cover generally showed the entire band standing together in unity, the Logo shifted slightly from time to time but it was always in a consistently bold font, it stood out on what I was placed on, For example, in the album 'Someday', The Band Logo stands out on the white wall behind them.
Group Hugs!
At the same time however, Nickelback switched between the band and also used some imagery which generally focused on one item or object
Cars Roads and Benches!
 There is however one consistency, the Nickelback Logo has only changed itself on occasion, it has mostly retained its original cracked and scarred design.
The band retains a washed out and cracked logo design!
In this sense the band has a defining feature that is easily recognized in the form of a logo that both stands out and is seen throughout almost 20 years of CD covers from this band.
Even in their most recent albums, the Logo still remains!
In a majority of the cases as well the logo is kept at the top of the cover, spanning left to right, appropriate consider we read content left to right, although the eastern nations read right to left.
Moving onwards we should move into how the band presents itself. The band had a remarkably similar running theme in the 90's.
Chad Kroeger kept his hair long and blonde, which was of course the popular style at the time, This is of course a key feature and is one of the things people mainly remember about Kroeger, his hair never seems to deviate too much, except in a couple of circumstances.
The Outfits of the band are quite simple really.
Simple Black T-shirts and jeans
In a strong attempt to be relatable to the audience, the band wore simple fashion like t-shirts jeans and on occasion a shirt, but they never dressed incredibly formal, its all an attempt to look relatable and simplified so that the audience can simply enjoy the music and not feel like they should be focusing too much on the band.

Friday 19 September 2014

Sven E. Carlson

Sven Carlsson's theory of music videos is that music videos can be split up into 'Black and White' boxes. All the content of a Music video can be seen as perceived opposites which drive the narration forwards.

Sven E. Carlsson
Carlsson also splits music videos into two categories, Performances and Conceptual pieces. The Performance aspects come from the artists singing and dancing throughout the video while Conceptual videos feature something other than the artist acting out a story. However, The performance music video style is usually a method of selling their personal image as 'Commercial exhibitionists'.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Michael Shore Music Video theory

Michael Shore's Music Video theory involves the idea that Music Videos are recycled styles of previous eras. Cynically he also believes that Music videos in some way will include elements of speed, women, money and most importantly, power. The imagery is clichéd and simply tries to recreate male fantasy.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Goodwins Theory

One of the key theories that I have come across is Goodwin's Music Video theory, The theory essentially outlines that their are some key links between all the areas of the music video. Each area somehow affects and compliments the efforts of the other area. As Goodwin Writes...

1.Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. stage performance in metal video, dance routine for boy/girl band).

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).

3. There is a relationship between music and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style).

5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
6. There is often intertextual reference (to films, TV programmes, other music videos etc).
 I will be keeping this in mind while planning my music video.

Brand Identity

Currently, alongside my piece creation, I am looking into the concept of Brand Identity. This includes other bands and how they market themselves as a brand and also how I intend to market my band as a brand as well.

FIlming the Piece

As required I need to film and edit together at least 1 minute of footage for a serious interpretation of a music video in my required genre. There are some key concepts I have already looked at and they are as follows...

In terms of the Camera Use...
- As seen in  the Nickelback videos the characters tend to be portrayed as omnipotent individuals witnessing a story unfold over time, it is therefore important to try to keep this illusion in the piece by not necessarily focusing on the instruments too much and instead develop a story. Examples of other Nickelback songs run with a similar concept include 'Photograph' and 'Hero' although here is a minor deviation as it shows the band playing on a downtown roof building, even so they still take a backseat to the action unfolding throughout the video.
In 'Photgraph' Chad Kroeger spends the video going through childhood memories accompanied only by his photographs and his guitar
- I would like to think that this video will include a character expressing his concern over an issue such as the way Linkin Park does in their videos, Because of this I would enjoy splicing some real life footage of some modern day issues for a narrative effect.

'Castle of Glass' Uses the concept of the war in Afghanistan to portray a young boys life after the death of his father, Linkin Park still aren't the key focus here in the video due to the powerful themes found elsewhere


- One such idea that I have in mind is showing the Miliatry individual move through a busy city street and be overcome by the noise leading to a sprint for silence.

- On another side of the video I have two strong ideas currently in development, One being the destruction of a cabinet of medals, the other is the soldier holding a medal so tightly it cuts his skin.

Media Pitch

I have recently given my pitch for my music video and it will be added to the blog shortly. For now I will add the Prezi here for viewing.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Outfits for an Alt Rock Band

In a number of Alternative Rock Videos I have seen a certain similarity in terms of the outfits, there seems to be an awful lot of casual clothing to be found in this genre.
Oasis Have a consistent theme of Jeans and Jackets
Paramore are embodiments of a more modern casual expectancy.

I think that I can put together a group of people with similar outfits like this, there appears to be a real consistency in the outfits from the old to the new.