Wednesday 17 September 2014

FIlming the Piece

As required I need to film and edit together at least 1 minute of footage for a serious interpretation of a music video in my required genre. There are some key concepts I have already looked at and they are as follows...

In terms of the Camera Use...
- As seen in  the Nickelback videos the characters tend to be portrayed as omnipotent individuals witnessing a story unfold over time, it is therefore important to try to keep this illusion in the piece by not necessarily focusing on the instruments too much and instead develop a story. Examples of other Nickelback songs run with a similar concept include 'Photograph' and 'Hero' although here is a minor deviation as it shows the band playing on a downtown roof building, even so they still take a backseat to the action unfolding throughout the video.
In 'Photgraph' Chad Kroeger spends the video going through childhood memories accompanied only by his photographs and his guitar
- I would like to think that this video will include a character expressing his concern over an issue such as the way Linkin Park does in their videos, Because of this I would enjoy splicing some real life footage of some modern day issues for a narrative effect.

'Castle of Glass' Uses the concept of the war in Afghanistan to portray a young boys life after the death of his father, Linkin Park still aren't the key focus here in the video due to the powerful themes found elsewhere


- One such idea that I have in mind is showing the Miliatry individual move through a busy city street and be overcome by the noise leading to a sprint for silence.

- On another side of the video I have two strong ideas currently in development, One being the destruction of a cabinet of medals, the other is the soldier holding a medal so tightly it cuts his skin.

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