Friday 14 November 2014

Shooting the Moving Sections

There are going to be moving scenes in my piece as seen in my previous Storyboard and Shot by Shot Breakdown which is good in varying the shots but it raises some concerns in the execution of the scene.

Firstly, Without a Stedicam the shots may come out shaky if we are not careful, because of this I have personally spoken to the Individual who will be holding the camera in that scene to see if they can keep it still, hopefully they can then keep it still enough that the mild shake left behind can be removed with Premiere Pro CS6's Warp Stabilizer tool which I have actually used before and can confirm that it is effective in altering certain shots to make them steadier.
Secondly, Because of where the moving scenes take place, which is next to a main road, There are some health and saftety concerns that need to be adressed, Essentially since the Cameraman will be moving backwards while holding the camera, there is a great worry that he may accidently drift into the main road. However in order to help prevent this, I have asked another friend to stand behind them with a hand on their shoulder to stop them walking into the road and also to press down into them to try and keep them from shaking.

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