Wednesday 12 November 2014

Shot by Shot Breakdown of Piece

Cut from 00:00 – 00:10 off the original song to better time the Introduction

00:00 – 00:05 Fade in Camera in a moving shot through a car park in a straight line

00:05 – 00:10 Camera slowly moves up from ground level to the characters waist in a close up shot.

00:10 – 00:15 Camera Returns to continue previous motion shot. Still moving through car park.

00:15 – 00:20 Camera continues to move up past the characters waist to see the back of their head and a city view past them which is blurred slightly.

00:20 – 00:25 Camera still moves through the car park for another 5 seconds

00:25 – 00:30 Side shot Main characters hand can be seen on a railing gripping it tightly.

00:30 – 00:35 The Camera continues on with the moving shot through the car park for another 5 seconds

00:35 – 00:40 Droplets of water can be seen falling on the main characters hand, indicating tear drops, the shot is a close up.

00:40 – 00:50 Camera moves round a corner to reveal the main character standing at a distance still moving in a smooth fashion.

00:50 – 01:00 Side shot mid range. Of the main character tilting his head up, he begins to turn around

01:00 – 01:30 The Camera continues to move towards the main character however the main character has now turned around slightly, as the camera moves on, he casually turns back to where he was looking and moves closer to the rail, as the camera continues to move right up to him, it moves over him into the bright light, the bright light shines brightly and moves into another scene.

01:30 – 01:48 in the other scene the Lead singer begins to sing the first few lines of the song

01:48 – 01:53 Character can be seen from behind with a fire being in front of him.

01:53 – 01:58 Character goes to POV and sees a picture of a couple, one of the persons in the picture is the main character. He extends his arm over the fire to drop the picture.

01:58 – 02:02 from the side he can be seen dropping it in the fire and drinking from the whiskey bottle. Then dropping it down to his waist

2:02 – 2:05 Close up of waist level shot shows his arm coming back down harshly with the camera being close to the whiskey bottle, the grasp on it is light.

2:05 - 2:19 return to the Lead singer on the stage

2:19 2:22 from the waist shot the main character can be seen struggling to hold the bottle

2:22- 2:25 Quick moment of the band upping the harsh tempo

2:25 – 2:28 Glass bottle smashes at the feet of the main character slowly

2:28 2:36 – Band Plays out half of the next lyric line. Camera work is quick moving to indicate strong rhythm

2:36 – 2:38 Moving over the shoulder shot of the main character walking down a side walk.

2:38 – 2:46 Changes to front facing shot which then rotates around him and stops at a set of gravestones while he continues onwards

2:46 2:52 – Band continues to play

2:52 – 2:55 Main character walks past a homeless man from over the shoulder

2:55 – 2:58 The Main character is seen walking from the front, the homeless man can be seen in the background.

2:58 – 3:01 The Homeless man blinks lightly and then closes his eyes from a side shot close up shot.

3:01 - 3:12 Returns to the band playing with the singer at the forefront elongating a note, Rapid shots change between the band as the tempo of the guitar increases.

3:12 - 3:17  Main character sits on a park bench and runs his hands through his hair

3:17 - 3:23 Band plays once more with special focus to the lead guitarist.

3:23- 3:25 Main Character Grips his hand tightly over his leg from a close up side shot.

3:25 - 3:34 Return to the band with the Lead singer taking the key focus in a mid range frontal shot.

3:34 - 3:41 Female character walks in toward the main character, the shot is a mid ground level shot and the focus is set to the foreground, while she is blurred in the background walking towards the main character.

3:44 - 3:48 Lead singer continues song section with an enthusiastic shot of the drummer

3:48 - 3:58 POV shot looking down on Male character from the POV of the Female character, Then a switch to the other side with the Male POV of the Female. Then a close up side shot of the female character extending her arm and hand to the male character.

3:58 - 4:02 Return to the band briefly to say another line of the song.

4:02 - 4:09 Main character and Female character walk up to a rocky structure and look over the town, with a nice sunset scene.

4:09 - 4:13 Final Band piece with the lead singer taking center stage to strongly sing last note

4:13 - 4:18 Close up shot of the two characters hands coming together then the camera moves up and fades into the final scene.

4:18 - 4:25 Main character shot reminiscent of original few shots on tall building, he turns and slowly walks away from the railing towards the camera to a fade out/Main character walks to the side and out of shot. Faint car sounds and people can be heard.






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