Thursday 12 February 2015

Magazine Advertisement for Piece

For the Magazine advertisement portion of my piece, I am going to need to find and recreate codes and conventions of existing Alt-Rock/Rock pieces to try to make the piece easily identifiable as the genre and to also ensure that a level of professional quality is achieved, here are some prime examples that I have picked out from a couple of different bands in this genre.
Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns

For this advertisement I am particularly fond of the digital fractured look of the piece, it gives it a very sinister and powerful appearance which is something that is made more powerful by the dark tones (simple black and white). The information given is questionable, there is limited information available about the actual album apart from a website address at the bottom of the piece, I feel more comfortable placing a mention that my piece is an album to clarify what its for but I still enjoy the design of this piece. The use of the band members in the actual advertisement is something I don't intend on pursuing, because my band is a new up and running contender in the music world, the relevance of having a band whose members are scarcely recognizable placed in an advertisement would be a waste of space I could fill with powerful imagery such as symbols and a continuation of the fractured glass look with either and object like a rose. What I think I will take from this design is the spacing in each section for a start, it makes each part easily readable, I'm quite fond of a fractured design style and It works well given my album design.

Kasabian - The Debut Album
The album style for Kasabian is incredibly striking, the minimalist design works well here with a simple two tone coloring which makes all the information clear and easily readable, the relevant information is all present including the website and the album editions available. The only concern I have with this piece is that its difficult to determine exactly what type of genre this band falls into if I were looking at it from a standpoint of someone unfamiliar with the band, the bandana and almost threatening tone of the character on the front, in my honest opinion, connotes something more akin to Harsh Rap. I do think that all this information is a step in the right direction and the clarity on the writing is of course key for the public.

30 Seconds to Mars - This is War
Immediately I notice that this piece is the most striking of the three, the bright reds compliment the Black and the white sections of the piece in an incredibly powerful way. The effect of which both makes it clear to read but it also stands out on the page, when turning through the magazine the powerful contrast between the colors would warrant a brief pause in which to view the piece. The sharp lettering and square background give the whole piece a professional and uniform look that gives it a strong and smart outlook, I am incredibly fond of the concept of utilizing these contrasted color effects in my piece as they are key to catching the readers eye in my opinion.
Overall between these three pieces I can see some strong ideas emerging, the inclusion of all the relevant information is key and this is closely followed by the contrasted coloring, the effect of these two being combined is that it should catch the readers attention and then inform them clearly on what they are looking at. I feel that I should also include some fractured effect for the wording as it would make the connection between my album and this advertisement so that once the album took its place on the store shelf, it would be recognizable to the advert and easily obtainable. 

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