Friday 13 February 2015

Magazine Plan Based on Research

From what I have seen I can construct a basic plan to follow for my magazine, I will explain it in detail from the illustration below:

Essentially this will be the basis for my design, it will help me keep it the way it should be in connection to the genre and conventions of professional pieces.

The Main band title has been placed at the most visible point, given that we read top to bottom it is likely that this is one of the first things to be seen. because the band is only just starting up it is crucial that its name be advertised highly and in addition to this is is more likely that people will be able to recognise a band name before a album name. 

The title will be the band logo that is present on my CD, the purpose of this is to keep the two items in connection so that when an individual actually goes to buy the album he/she will be able to immediately recognise it from the advert creating a synergy between the two.

I have added a separator between the sections of my piece, simply put, its designed to stop information overload and make the whole piece easier to read, the separator gives breathing room the piece and will most likely be of a broken glass styling in connection to the album to promote synergy.

The name of the album will be placed here in what is relatively near the centre of the piece and will be easy to read and see, I will probably once again apply a fractured glass effect here but i will make sure that it is still clear and legible as it is one of the more important things to remember when purchasing the CD.

The large illustration mentioned on the plan will serve a purpose of creating a bright red contrast. This is something I picked up from 30 Seconds to Mars' advertisement for 'This Is War' which I researched earlier, it featured a contrast between white, black and red which was artistic, bold and very effective. By having this bright colour sit among the darker shades it makes it stand out, when a person is reading through the magazine they will undoubtedly have their attention caught by it and will be more likely to read the page fully as a result.

As this will be the bands debut album, they will probably not be as well known essentially. the explanation tends to stop confusion as to if individuals are familiar with the band, it also peaks the interest of people looking for new interesting music in the industry.

The purpose of this being here is for two main reasons, Firstly by having the track titles listed it gives the audience more of an indication of the themes that will be present in the songs, from this they will be likely to determine whether or not it suits their interests. in another sense it is also relevant for existing fans of the band prior to the first album who want to know if the songs that they enjoy are present, keeping the audience informed and minimizing distaste with the purchase.

This is simply here to explain whether or not the CD is currently available, Saving people having to look it up.

This is here to give people easy access to the bands website to fully inform the audience on the bands tours, available merchandise and albums. The record logo is also present for legal purposes.

The shattered effect i have mentioned at the top will be there to provide and aesthetic connection to the theme of the album, I.e. Glass. It will also help to make the page more interesting and professional in appearance keeping the interest of the reader.

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